Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My airport Adventure

On arecent Friday morning, i hopped on a plane at a very early hour to spend a very fun filled day with my very favorite cousin and some frinds. In fact we had such a good time that i don't remember most of our night, it was an alcohol induced haze. I did wake up in a htel bed fulled clothed minus the shoes. Yes i had a good night, and the picures i took on my camera proved it. They also helped my to recall the sequence frpm events from the night before. I ended by quick 30 hour marathon trip by boarding a plan to come back to Dallas. When i arrived back in Dallas i mentally prepared myself while waiting for my bag for the marathon of a night that lay ahead. Somehow i had been convinced to be the DD for a birthday dinner that would take place that night. I was assured it but we an early night but when it come to birthdays we all know that is a lie. Birthdays never end early, hence the pep talk i was giving myself. I finished by pep talk garbbed my bag and exit with the intend of getting in my car. Then the problem, i had no idea where i had parked, not the slighest clue. After a walking tour of the termanal C garage, i came to the realization that my car was not in the C garage. The next step was to find help. It took asking four people before finding the man that made by day. I know his name but i did give him high five. He called an airport man that drove me around for the next hour and a half searching for my car. The next realization is that I flew out of D terminal and flew back into C terminal. My car was in D garage, once finally arriving at the right garage the floor by floor search began for my car. After a lengthy time in the car with the airport guy, my prayers were answered. I found my car. It only took two hours. The lesson learned in this story, write down where you park your car, i lost mine in a mere 30 hours. What if i had been gone longer? At some point i belive this happens to everyone. I have left the coutry for weeks at a time and never lost by car, but there is a first for everything.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today for some random reason i remebered the password to my blogsot from college so i can start blogging again, for this i am Happy.

Monday, December 10, 2007


I am so glad this year has finaly come to an end. This is my last year and i have never been more excited and more scared in my entire life. I hope i look back in these days in classes at my time at the University and find that i miss it. I want to be able to take what i have learned during my time here and use it, maybe not to save the world or find a cure for AIDS, but i want to be able to use it to make my life better and the lives of those around me. Univeristies impact people in a big way, you learn about free thoguht ans what makes you you, and my time has come to g out in the world and use it. Any suggestions??

Television codes

Codes in Television shows
Television shows contain certain social codes that lead to stereotypes. There are technical codes, social codes, conventional representation codes, and ideological codes.
In a previous study, Codes of Television, by John Fiske it is revealed that televisions attempts to makes events and people seem a certain way by language, dialog, dress, and camera angle.
The study uses a scene from a television series, Hart to Hart, to illustrate these findings. The episode was about couples on cruise ship. One couple is a detective team and the other couple is jewel thieves. The study uses two scenes from the show. It goes on to explain how the lighting is different for each couple and the camera angles are also different. This leads the view to think certain things about the characters. For example the light in the dectectives couple is a softer light while the jewel thieves are shown in a harsh bright light. The dialog between the couples is also different. Some other things that affect what the viewer thinks are lighting, editing, music, and theme song, casting of characters, costumes and sets. All of these codes lead to reader to form opinions and stereotypes of the show and characters without even watching the whole show.
My corpus is an episode if the television show Nip/Tuck. It is episode 9 from season three, titled “Hannah Tedesco” The episode is about a face transplant surgery. The dialog between the characters, the camera, angles, and the music all lead the viewer to think certain things. The show presents people with unrealistic bodies and gives them the ability to change anything. Kimber one of the lead characters in the show is always shown in revealing clothing and has a job as a porn star.
The episode is roughly 52 minutes long. It contains a scene insinuating sex between non couples and talks about some explicit subject manner. While the theme song and credits are playing at the beginning of the show mannequins are shown on the screen. The manequinns are being drawn on with red lipstick to shown where incisions would be made for surgery. The lines are around the breast and face, leading the viewer to believe bigger breast are better. The last mannequins face turns to a woman’s face. This could lead woman to think that they should look like a mannequin and flawless, when in truth that is not how most women look.
The open scene contain Christian walking into is office where there are two woman waiting, and he says, “Tell me what you don’t like about yourself.” The women are normal looking and the camera angles are the same on both the doctor and the ladies but the dialog here clearly has a strong message. There are two other scenes in the show where the same line is spoken to two other patients. This line seems like it encourages people to be dissatisfied with there body image. In another scene Christian stands over the woman when he talks to her. This makes it clear that one character is dominant over the other one. This woman patient ask look like a Kimber Doll, an inflatable life-size sex toy. She wants to look like the doll because her husband is obsessed with the doll and will no longer be intimate with her. This is an unrealistic image for a woman to have but yet through this scene it is portrayed as ok.
In another scene the viewer is introduced to the real Kimber, A real woman that is Christian’s fiancĂ©e and porn star. . Not only is she a porn star but also she starts a workshop series called “Bringing out the Porn Star in You”. Every scene that she is shown is she is also shown in a low cut short dress lot of makeup and high heels. The also has large breast and blonde hair. This depicts woman as sex objects and lower than their male counterparts.
The dialog, dress, and casting in this show lead the viewer to believe certain things about the show and the characters. These views and stereotypes that are formed can lead over to what is thought about real life. The show portrays woman in unrealistic ways and say that what isn’t perfect can be fixed with surgery. It also shows dominance of men over woman. Every woman wants something in the show and the men are the ones that can give the woman what they want. The dress, dialog, and characters are all part of the coding that is in television shows. That is coding like this in all types of televisions shows.

John Fiske, The Codes of Television, Media Studies:A reader, Marris, Paul;ed. Thornham, Sue;ed. Edinburgh University press 1996

Nip/Tuck season 3 episode 9 Sean Jablonski-write, Michael M. Robin-director aired:11/15/05

Thursday, November 29, 2007


I want to show somthing about the type of people that commit crimes. I am going to collect the blotter from the Dallas Morning News for a weeks and catalog the type of crime as violent or non violent, what the crime was and what the race of the person was who commited the crime.
We did a reading ealier in the semester about how some news staions only showed the crimes on tv that were commited by minorites, even though everyone commits crimes. Thise type of selective showing leads people to form negitive options about certain races. The media has the ability to shape the opinions of people.
I want to know if the newspaper does the smae thing or if it reports crme about all different types of people.

Video Games

Sex and steroetypes have now seemed into videio games and are polluting the minds of children. Even though the a 29 year old male is the peson that studies hahve found play the most video games, its children that are impressionable by what they see on the games. A 29 year old male should know what is right and what is real about a video game, while a child might not be sure.
Video games contain obsord amounts of violence, and people with unrealistic body types.
These unrealistic body types lead yonug peole to believe that woman are suppose to have overly large breast and tiny waist and men should be well chisled bodies. These images can lean young people to have harsh opinions of what they themselves should look like and could lead to unhealth habits. The way that woman can be portrayed in theses games can lead yound men to belive that this is way that real woman should be treated and it's not. Games show naked woman gagged and begging to be killed and prostitues being killed after sex. Those things aren't acceptable in real life, so why should they be in a game.
Second to the 29 year old that play the games are adelescent boys.
These boys should be seeing more holesmethngs than these things that are contained in these games. The top 10 selling games all contain violence and unrealistic body images and that isn't healthy for today's youth.
There should be ways to entertain these young men without filling their minds with garbage.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sex and the Movies

Sex is once again used to sell something......movies. Some form of sexual cotent is found in alot of movie trailer and previews and this is fact because of the study done by oliver and kalyanaraman. In fact "on average the previews contained 1.51 sex scenes per minute" and that's alot of sex for a 30 second to three minute clip. Obviously the whole movie doesn't have that much sex in it and the producers can choose to put anything they want in the previews and trailers, but why do they always choose to show the sex. The movie industry is a multi billion dollar industry and whatever producers are doing is working becuase lots of movies are still being made. And they ae being viewed because of sex. In addition to movies promoting sex to sell themselves, it seems like the sexual portrayals tend to be about woman. Some it extremly short skirts such as in Empire records and other in other ways csuh as bathing suits or in a bed, as eluding to the fact that sex has just happened or is about to occur. Why can't the previews just tell what the movie is about without all the sex.