Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My airport Adventure

On arecent Friday morning, i hopped on a plane at a very early hour to spend a very fun filled day with my very favorite cousin and some frinds. In fact we had such a good time that i don't remember most of our night, it was an alcohol induced haze. I did wake up in a htel bed fulled clothed minus the shoes. Yes i had a good night, and the picures i took on my camera proved it. They also helped my to recall the sequence frpm events from the night before. I ended by quick 30 hour marathon trip by boarding a plan to come back to Dallas. When i arrived back in Dallas i mentally prepared myself while waiting for my bag for the marathon of a night that lay ahead. Somehow i had been convinced to be the DD for a birthday dinner that would take place that night. I was assured it but we an early night but when it come to birthdays we all know that is a lie. Birthdays never end early, hence the pep talk i was giving myself. I finished by pep talk garbbed my bag and exit with the intend of getting in my car. Then the problem, i had no idea where i had parked, not the slighest clue. After a walking tour of the termanal C garage, i came to the realization that my car was not in the C garage. The next step was to find help. It took asking four people before finding the man that made by day. I know his name but i did give him high five. He called an airport man that drove me around for the next hour and a half searching for my car. The next realization is that I flew out of D terminal and flew back into C terminal. My car was in D garage, once finally arriving at the right garage the floor by floor search began for my car. After a lengthy time in the car with the airport guy, my prayers were answered. I found my car. It only took two hours. The lesson learned in this story, write down where you park your car, i lost mine in a mere 30 hours. What if i had been gone longer? At some point i belive this happens to everyone. I have left the coutry for weeks at a time and never lost by car, but there is a first for everything.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today for some random reason i remebered the password to my blogsot from college so i can start blogging again, for this i am Happy.